Our Partnership
Since the 1980s, Dr. Tony Small at Flying Cow Genetics has been providing bovine reproductive services. Recognizing the shift from conventional embryo transfer to in vitro fertilization, Flying Cow Genetics entered into a partnership with ABS Global (formally In Vitro Brasil) in 2017 to offer IVF on site. Today, we are the only beef focused ABS affiliate in the United States and the only fully functioning IVF lab in the state of Oklahoma. By integrating our state of the art facility and our satellite locations with the world leader for in vitro services and research, we see Flying Cow Genetics at the forefront for IVF in cattle.
The IVF Process
At Flying Cow Genetics, the IVF process begins by screening the donor and removing dominate follicles. Then two days prior to aspiration, we administer a follicle stimulating hormone to the donor. On aspiration day, we collect the oocytes (unfertilized eggs) using an ultrasound probe and needle guide. The following day, the oocytes are fertilized with semen then cultured in an incubator for seven days. Eight days after the ooctyes are collected, embryos counted and graded then frozen or transferred fresh into recips. A very simple explanation for a complex process.
Advantages to IVF
There are obvious advantages to IVF. With IVF, you can collect from the donor every two weeks thus allowing you to obtain more embryos from a donor, plus you can collect from pregnant donors in their first trimester. Additionally, one unit of semen can be used to fertilize multiple donors or multiple sires can be used on one donor’s aspiration, cutting the cost of breeding. Also, with IVF younger heifers and older cows can be used. Finally, boarding costs can be reduced since donors do not have to be housed as long between cycles as compared to conventional flushing protocols.
Our Services
Depending on the needs of each client, we have various services available to build a better herd from your genetics.
· In Vitro Collection of Donors
· On Site Growth of Embryos
· Embryo Transfers On Site or In House
· Fresh Shipping of Embryos
Not only do we offer IVF services at our location in Welch, Oklahoma, we also offer collection facilities at the following affiliate locations:
Benton County Vet Services, Cole Camp, Missouri
Bovine Reproductive Services, Rosco, Texas
Great Plains Breeders Services, Shamrock, Texas
If you are interested in adding IVF to your breeding program, we are here to help you develop a plan.