Flying Cow Genetics is a family owned business located 15 miles west of Welch, Oklahoma. In 2013, Flying Cow Genetics opened the doors at our current facility situated on 2,700 acres. Today, we offer both in vitro fertilization and conventional flushing services. Flying Cow Genetics actually began 1991 by Dr. Tony Small and his wife Kristi. Following a stint at Granada Genetics, Dr. Small came back to northeastern Oklahoma to establish embryo transfer services as an extension of his large animal veterinary practice. He is actively involved and is still the primary embryologist for Flying Cow Genetics.
In March of 2018, Flying Cow expanded the business to include a state-of-the-art in vitro fertilization lab. Now every step of the IVF process is conducted at our facility including donor aspiration, the development of the embryo, as well as the freezing and transferring of that embryo into a recip.
Also in 2018, Flying Cow Genetics began offering a four-day bovine artificial insemination class. Students get hands on training with cattle as well as class time covering subjects on artificial insemination, pregnancy checking, basic anatomy of a cow’s reproductive tract, heat detection, as well as cattle nutrition and general herd health.
While our focus is on bovine reproduction, we also enjoy opening our facility to outside groups. We have accommodated tours from Paraguay, Argentina, as well as local organizations including 4-H, FFA, and national cattlemen groups. We invite you to come tour our facility and see why so many cattlemen make the drive to northeastern Oklahoma.